Many people are looking to support small businesses in their local areas right now, given the incredibly tough economic futures a lot of us are facing due to lockdown restrictions across Australia.
As an agency which specialises in, and works exclusively with small businesses (most of whom were bricks and mortar retailers before this crisis) we have felt the shockwave which has resonated through people in the last 6 months. Facing the fact that the only way you have of earning a livelihood has evaporated within the course of a week is bracing, if not terrifying but – like most self-employed people – our clients are extraordinarily resilient.
Before you could say ‘social isolation’, many small businesses we work with were in touch with us to discuss ways they could move fully online, ramp up under-used digital sales channels or drive more business without their usual face-to-face interactions. We are inspired and impressed with how people have changed the way they conduct their small businesses almost overnight, or diversified their offerings to offer a Corona-friendly service so they can keep on being self-sustaining.
If you, like us, would prefer to support small businesses by shopping locally and thoughtfully, maybe we can help. Below is a list of our clients and collaborators who you can buy from online or via social media right now – trust us, your business will be so appreciated.
PS For a full list of our clients including those who are more offline, click HERE.
- Shepherd’s Artisan Bakehouse – sourdough, pastries & GF Sweets
- Sabroso Bread & More – home delivered Fresh produce boxes
- The Cuckoo’s Nest – beautiful, quality toys
- Danger Books – adventure books for 7-11 year olds, set in Sydney
- Ozoola Beachlife – the best beach tents, towels and suncream
- Wymah Organics – Organic olives, olive oil and lamb
- Inspired Tribe – handmade artisan jewellery online
- Floriosa – Australian botanical and bird prints by artist Sally Browne
- MV Organic Skincare – organic/vegan skincare (inc Hand Sanitizer!)
- Daykeeper – organic, sustainable handmade fashion
- MOOV Baby – amazing indoor climbing toys for babies and toddlers
- Monocure 3D – 3D printing supplies
- Ageless Active – premium active wear and gym essentials
- Perplex – perspex frames and photography related gifts
- Pottle Auctions – online home contents auctions